Friday, February 19, 2010


Welcome to this blog, All K.I. students!

Have Fun and Fire Away with your Discussions, Views and Anything you have to say with regard to the subject of K.I.!

If you have not been added as an author of the blog, please indicate to me during K.I. lesson and give me your email. I will add you as the author of the blog.

You are highly encouraged to voice your opinion over anything we discussed or were taught in class!

All K.I. Scribe Reports will be posted on this blog too! Class and Examination Details may be found on the links above.

Have Fun and Learn Effectively!


K.I. Blog Master
Looi Qin En


  1. Hi all, I'm Jiahui from S70. Thanks for setting up this blog! It's awesome :)

  2. Chong Boon Nom and Jiahui - they are the same person by the way :) so don't get confused.
